

Viability 150 150 martina-clevenLG

Shared preparation and development of the solution will ensure team buy-in from start to end. This will in return ensure the willingness of all project members to bring the solution alive together afterwards – starting immediately after the workshop, with longterm, lasting impact.


Speed 150 150 martina-clevenLG

Following a systematic preparation, most issues can be solved and taken forward within 4 weeks. The workshop acts as the key milestone during the project, involving all relevant project members in the decisions at hand.


Efficiency 150 150 martina-clevenLG

It´s crucial to have all relevant people, questions and pre-structured information available in one place, at the same time. This will ensure the optimum usage of all participants time and know how, to really work things through once and for good

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Martina Cleven

T +49 (0) 4329 – 206 99 95
M +49 (0) 170 573 5019

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